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Is the Second Amendment Still Relevant Today?

Is the Second Amendment Still Relevant Today?

Welcome to the Second Amendment, the most misunderstood and debated amendment in the Bill of Rights. Some people believe it’s outdated, while others argue it’s more important now than ever.

The Complete Guide to Gun Safety

The Complete Guide to Gun Safety

Guns can be a source of pride, protection, and fun. However, as responsible gun owners, we must also recognize the importance of gun safety. It only takes one mistake or moment of negligence to cause irreparable harm to ourselves or others.

Guns Save Lives: A Personal Story

Guns Save Lives: A Personal Story

The more our society embraces the right to bear arms, while at the same time encouraging its members to conceal carry, the less crime it will find, resulting in more lives being saved.

13 Things Every Gun Owner Should Have

13 Things Every Gun Owner Should Have

Owning a gun is more than just the gun itself. It’s also about safety, training, preparedness, and good old fashioned fun and community! Here’s a list of things that will make your gun owning experience fun and safe.

Are Guns Cheaper At Gun Shows?

Are Guns Cheaper At Gun Shows?

If you're ready to buy your first gun, or maybe just looking to add to your collection, you might be able to score a great deal at a gun show.

The ‘Gun Show Loophole’: Everything You Need To Know

The ‘Gun Show Loophole’: Everything You Need To Know

The term is frequently used by politicians and the media in discussions about gun control legislation surrounding firearms sales. Let's dive into the details and uncover everything you need to know.

Gun Control is the Problem, Not the Gun

Gun Control is the Problem, Not the Gun

Gun control activists are always pushing “common-sense" gun laws that would’ve had no effect on curbing gun violence. Some laws have even proven to fail, yet they continue with the rhetoric that it’ll save lives.

5 Outstanding Compact Pistols For Concealed Carry

5 Outstanding Compact Pistols For Concealed Carry

Looking for a new concealed carry gun is always exciting. Whether you’re purchasing your first one or looking to try another option, I’ve put together a list that anyone can look at and find something that fits their need and/or budget.

The Complete Guide to Buying Your First Gun

The Complete Guide to Buying Your First Gun

Owning a gun can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but it's important to approach the process of purchasing your first gun with care and consideration.

Is Bullet Control Real?

Is Bullet Control Real?

Bullet control is absolutely real. Several states have already restricted the type of bullet and caliber one can own or carry. There are even policies in place to burden gun owners to comply by hurting their pockets. Future restrictions are also being discussed, such as microstamping.

Can Concealed Carry Be Loaded?

Can Concealed Carry Be Loaded?

Carrying a concealed gun should absolutely be loaded at all times. A loaded gun is crucial in a self defense situation because you don’t want to waste time loading a gun if attacked. Additionally, there are many safeguards available to prevent accidentally firing your weapon.

The 10 Negative Effects of Gun Control

The 10 Negative Effects of Gun Control

The hard to swallow truth is that gun laws aren't going to make you any safer. In fact, they've proven to do just the opposite. The negative impact gun laws have can't be ignored.