Check and learn about every state’s gun laws with our free, interactive map. Simply select a state.
DISCLAIMER: The Gun Laws by State Guide (GLBSG) was created to provide its readers with a general educational resource tool to explore the pertinent gun laws in Your jurisdiction.
However, the GLBSG was not researched and/or written by attorneys as a specific legal guide to rely upon. Instead, it is a starting point for your own research. In addition, all laws are always subject to reasonable, but different, legal interpretation as to meaning and application.
As such, the GLBSG is not intended to supplant, nor limit, Your need for independent verification of any and all material contained herein and consultation with competent counsel of choice regarding any specific issues.
This type of specific legal analysis is necessarily beyond the general educational objective of the GLBSG and for which a bar-admitted attorney in the particular state(s) is needed and required. The content of this GLBSG is a general restatement of the law.
Nothing on this website, or any other content by Our Second Right, is a promise or guarantee of results and we do not offer any legal, or other professional advice. Use caution and always consult your legal professional before acting on any information related to Your state’s gun laws. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by consuming any content by Our Second Right you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.